Film Four: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

After reading the screenplay to the 2004 science fiction drama, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, I couldn’t help but watch the film directed by Michel Gondry.

Upon reading the screenplay, written by Charlie Kaufman, it took me quite a few pages to get my head around the unique structure and format of the script; but once I did I was immersed into the dynamic world in which the film takes place: where erasing unwanted memories of the past is an accepted norm.

The film follows the story of a dysfunctional couple: Joel, played by Jim Carrey, and Clementine, played by Kate Winslet. After their painful breakup, Clementine undergoes a procedure to have her memories of Joel erased, and upon Joel finding out – he decides to have the same procedure done. As his memories of her are being removed, he realizes just how precious their time together was.

The screenplay proved to be an incredibly heart-breaking read, and the film even more so. With visually arresting elements combined with the intricacy of the themes explored throughout the film, the relationship between the characters was both comical and heart-warming.

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